Photos , mostly of me, from our Sherbrooke show by Manuel.
The show itself was fun and strange , the venue fancy. With the other band , Half Baked , being an electro party rock duo and our blurb overstating past connections with DFA79 and Les Georges Leningrad anyone who hadn't taken the time to listen to us in advance could have guessed with be a fun , catchy , high energy dance-punk band. You know trashy party tunes. Well the 50-odd guests figured out soon enough that AIDS Wolf's only role at the party is the bring the bad vibes. Halfway through our set only 10-15 people remained watching us , many with bizarre grimaces on their faces. After our set I signed autographs for 3 . (having people ask me to sign shit makes me feel soooo uncomfortable but I feel like they'd think i was a jerk if i said no. So I do it and feel like a tool.)
2 days latter people were still shellshocked from the loudness and general bummer vibes according to my pal Antonin from We Are Wolves Who played the festival on Saturday. I feel that leaving an impression is a triumph , even if everyone or almost everyone hated us.
Maybe when we return people will have built up antibodies and spread the virus a bit?
The thing i keep thinking of is that in the 50 months we've been actively playing shows , last Thursday was our FIRST show in our home province outside of Montreal. Past inquiries have always been met with indifference or warnings that there was no scene for the type of music we play in town x so it's a quiet victory to be FINALLY playing here.
I certainly never expected that we'd play in Croatia before being invited to play Quebec City.
Well , stuff is changing in Quebec if the guys Le Telephone Rouge AND Bal du Lezard (we'll be there in October with Old Time Relijun) in Quebec City have anything to do with it.
Kisses to everyone trying to make a music scene , especially one that embraces prickly music , in their home towns.