Chris Taylor (ex-AIDS wolf guitarist , now living in Brooklyn) grills Myles Broscoe (CURRENT AIDS wolf guitarist) about playing on his Marshal , cab ethnic heritage , stress and what to eat.
C: soo, you owe me some money hotshot....?
M: shit sorry dude.i can mail a cheque tomorrow. does that work? or i could give it to you in person in october. I totally forgot. either send me your
address or ill give it to you in new york.
C: heads up dude, this is the interview!! its already begun. soo...what
kind of gear are you using with AW since you began playing with them?
M: I use a Rickenbacker 610 through a splitter into a) a fender 4 x 10
Deville and b) a traynor mono block into a 4 x 12 Marshall cab(Chris' old cab!).
Thats it! no fx.
C: What would you rather drink, a Poo Shake or a Vomit shake. If you had to...?
M: dude,i dunno. i think vomit would be more hygenic.
C: interesting, that reminds me have you read the book "The Omnivours
Dillema" ? about how are choice of foods to consume is so large that
we have lost touch with what appropriate nutrition is supposed to be.
What is your ethnic heritage and what kind of diets did your
anscestor's partake in?
M: No i haven't read that book but ive heard that its very interesting
from other cooks. i am a smattering of different central european
nationalities that went their seperate ways in the 19th and 20th
centuries and coincidentally met up again in america. big names are
german lutherans, czech jews, catholic slovak peasants, polish
blacksmiths, ruthenian goatherds. alot of goose fat, kartoffeln,
kraut, rotegrutzte i presume.
C: what I really want to know I guess is how your ethnic roots have
informed your own food choices if at alll, for instance my relatives
are from Wales and Scotland and so they likely ate a lot of farm food
like pork, beef, dairy and shitty soup. I really like shitty soup and
cheese makes me feel STRONG whereas things like soy milk and sake
whine give me gas and runny poo. you eating a lot of Polish sausage
then ?
M: no. i like some central european food but not all. they have this
kind of unpasteurized cheese in poland that is maybe the best food
experience i have ever had but after eating large amounts of it two
years ago i became fairly ill.
that said though i feel like i have a pretty tough stomach. and i
don't necessarily have to stick to my ancestral regionally specific
C: so your some kind of modern hybrid? that's probably a good thing to be
if your in a touring band because you have to put up with a lot of
inconsistent cuisine on the road. I hear you guys are going back to
Europe this coming Spring, Ive noticed that on tour in countries like
Germany 'breakfast' basically meant buns, spread, coffee and slices of
ambiguous yellow cheese, whereas in England its slimy eggs, beans,
toast and tea. Do you have a morning tour ritual ? and does it involve
food? if so, what???
M: i don't know about europe, i've never toured there. and its been awhile
since i did any serious touring so i cant think of a real morning
ritual. i hope to create one on this trip though. i suppose ill let
you know if i manage to create one.
C: hmm, do you have any pre-show rituals? there was this game we used to play where you had to try and
masturbate in the van without anyone knowing about it and the rules
were that if you got caught you had to jerk off the person that caught
you but if you didn't get caught and managed to successfully pull
yourself off you would throw your hands up and go "TA-DA!!" and then
everyone else would have to jerk YOU off the next time. I think we
called it 'The Incognito Mosquito' . speaking of games, do you play
chess? cause Andre does and he's pretty good at it, you guys will have
to play each other at some point.
anyway, lets try and wrap this up, when you come to New York in the
next week and you play the first AIDS Wolf show with me in the audience
how are you going to feel? are you going to be nervous cause maybe Ill
be standing there thinking you really suck???
M: I don't play chess and i'm sure andre could kill me. Of course playing
to a former member of a band is always stressful, but if i wasnt
confident enough to do that i wouldn't be confident enough to play any
show. SO i think it'll be cool. And I don't have a consistent pre show
ritual, but i suppose i should get one, like left sock before right
sock, kiss back of right hand three times before hitting first chord.
hope you're well,
see you soon,
Friday, October 12, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
So we're going out to play a few shows with our friends...
10.12.07 FriBurlington, Vermont. 242 Main w/ Drive The Hour + Maneuvers
10.14.07 SunMontreal, Quebec. Divan Orange w/Old Time Relijun + People
10.15.07 MonQuebec City, Quebec. Le Bal Du Lezard w/ Old Time Relijun
10.16.07 TueHalifax, Nova Scotia. The Seahorse w/ Old Time Relijun + Be Bad
10.17.07 WedSackville, New Brunswick. Mount Allison w/ Old Time Relijun
10.18.07 ThuPortland, Maine. Geno's
10.19.07 FriNew York, New York. Knitting Factory (Panache/Lovepump/Skin Graft/Blueghost) CMJ Showcase w/ Ruins, Sightings , Japanther,Old Time Relijun,PRE, Shellshag, Yip Yip, Health, Monotonix , Dynasty Handbag, Wizardzz , The Mall ,Made In Mexico , Aa
10.20.07SatBrooklyn , NY Death By Audio w/ Health , Ruins, , Sightings , Yip Yip , Shellshag, Made In Mexico
10.21.07 SunAnnandale-on-Hudson, New York. Bard College w/ Old Time Relijun
10.22.07 MonAlbany, New York. Valentines w/ Bunnybrains + Grab Ass Cowboys +Ottobeng
10.23.07 TueMiddletown, Connecticut. Wesleyan College
10.24.07 WedHartford, Connecticut. Charter Oak Center w/ Old Time Relijun
10.25.07 ThuPoughkeepsie, New York. Vassar College w/ Old Time Relijun
10.26.07 FriJamaica Plains, Massachusetts. The Milky Way w/ Old Time Relijun
10.27.07 SatProvidence, Rhode Island. As220 w/ Old Time Relijun, Made In Mexico , The Chinese Stars , Tinsel Teeth
10.28.07 SunPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania. COPY Gallery w/ Old Time Relijun + Satanized + Drums Like Machine Guns
10.29.07MonBaltimore, Maryland. Talking Head w/Old Time Relijun + Double Dagger
10.30.07 TueWashington, DC. Velvet Lounge w/ Old Time Relijun
10.31.07 WedBrooklyn, New York. Todd P NYC w/ Old Time Relijun + USAISMONSTER + Aa + High Places
11.01.07 ThuRichmond, Virginia. Nara Sushi w/ Snack Truck + The Amoeba Men + HO-AX
11.02.07 FriColumbia, South Carolina. Hunter Gather w/ Thank God + F13
11.03.07 SatTampa, Florida. Skatepark of Tampa w/ Yip Yip
11.04.07 SunOrlando, Florida. BackBooth w/ Yip Yip
11.06.07 TueAtlanta, Georgia. Lenny's Bar w/ The Club Of Rome
+ Suitcases
11.07.07 WedBirmingham, Alabama. Bottletree w/ We Are The Arm
11.08.07ThuNNew Orleans , LA Circle Bar
11.09.07 FriBaton Rouge, Louisiana. Spanish Moon
11.10.07 SatAustin, Texas. Emos w/ Monotonix, Young Widows
11.11.07 SunDallas, Texas. All Public Trust (the new art prostitute) w/ The Undoing of David Wright ,Church Of The Snake, El Paso Hot Button
11.12.07 MonLubbock, Texas. Jakes Backroom
11.13.07 TueLas Cruces, New Mexico. The Farm w/ Monotonix
11.14.07 WedPhoenix, Arizona. The Modified w/ Monotonix
11.15.07ThuSan Diego, California. The Che Cafe w/ Health + Foot Village
11.16.07 FriLos Angeles, California. The Smell w/ Health + XBXRX + Silver Daggers
11.17.07 SatSan Francisco, California. Bottom of The Hill w/ No Doctors + T.I.T.S + Health
11.18.07 SunOakland, California. 21 Grand w/ Calvin Johnston + XBXRX
11.20.07 TueDavis, California. Delta of Venus w/ XBXRX + The Mayyors
11.21.07 WedEureka, California. The Vista
11.23.07 FriPortland, Oregon. Satyricon w/ Night Wounds, Get Hustle , Meth Teeth
11.24.07 SatVancouver, British Columbia. Emergency Room w/ Mutators + Shearing Pinx + Heartfelt
11.25.07 SunSeattle, Washington. Comet Tavern w/ Pyramids
11.26.07 MonMissoula, Montana. Badlander
11.29.07 ThuSt. Paul, Minnesota. Turf Club w/ Gay Beast
11.30.07 FriEast Moline, Illinois. Mixtapes w/ Eyes
12.01.07 SatChicago, Illinois. Reggies Live w/ Mayor Daley
12.02.07SunDetroit, Michigan. Scrummage University w/Blind Lake + Thee Scarcity of Tanks
.......and we really hope to see you there. Maybe we could even meet some of your hot friends.Free love , you know?
AW family unit
10.12.07 FriBurlington, Vermont. 242 Main w/ Drive The Hour + Maneuvers
10.14.07 SunMontreal, Quebec. Divan Orange w/Old Time Relijun + People
10.15.07 MonQuebec City, Quebec. Le Bal Du Lezard w/ Old Time Relijun
10.16.07 TueHalifax, Nova Scotia. The Seahorse w/ Old Time Relijun + Be Bad
10.17.07 WedSackville, New Brunswick. Mount Allison w/ Old Time Relijun
10.18.07 ThuPortland, Maine. Geno's
10.19.07 FriNew York, New York. Knitting Factory (Panache/Lovepump/Skin Graft/Blueghost) CMJ Showcase w/ Ruins, Sightings , Japanther,Old Time Relijun,PRE, Shellshag, Yip Yip, Health, Monotonix , Dynasty Handbag, Wizardzz , The Mall ,Made In Mexico , Aa
10.20.07SatBrooklyn , NY Death By Audio w/ Health , Ruins, , Sightings , Yip Yip , Shellshag, Made In Mexico
10.21.07 SunAnnandale-on-Hudson, New York. Bard College w/ Old Time Relijun
10.22.07 MonAlbany, New York. Valentines w/ Bunnybrains + Grab Ass Cowboys +Ottobeng
10.23.07 TueMiddletown, Connecticut. Wesleyan College
10.24.07 WedHartford, Connecticut. Charter Oak Center w/ Old Time Relijun
10.25.07 ThuPoughkeepsie, New York. Vassar College w/ Old Time Relijun
10.26.07 FriJamaica Plains, Massachusetts. The Milky Way w/ Old Time Relijun
10.27.07 SatProvidence, Rhode Island. As220 w/ Old Time Relijun, Made In Mexico , The Chinese Stars , Tinsel Teeth
10.28.07 SunPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania. COPY Gallery w/ Old Time Relijun + Satanized + Drums Like Machine Guns
10.29.07MonBaltimore, Maryland. Talking Head w/Old Time Relijun + Double Dagger
10.30.07 TueWashington, DC. Velvet Lounge w/ Old Time Relijun
10.31.07 WedBrooklyn, New York. Todd P NYC w/ Old Time Relijun + USAISMONSTER + Aa + High Places
11.01.07 ThuRichmond, Virginia. Nara Sushi w/ Snack Truck + The Amoeba Men + HO-AX
11.02.07 FriColumbia, South Carolina. Hunter Gather w/ Thank God + F13
11.03.07 SatTampa, Florida. Skatepark of Tampa w/ Yip Yip
11.04.07 SunOrlando, Florida. BackBooth w/ Yip Yip
11.06.07 TueAtlanta, Georgia. Lenny's Bar w/ The Club Of Rome
+ Suitcases
11.07.07 WedBirmingham, Alabama. Bottletree w/ We Are The Arm
11.08.07ThuNNew Orleans , LA Circle Bar
11.09.07 FriBaton Rouge, Louisiana. Spanish Moon
11.10.07 SatAustin, Texas. Emos w/ Monotonix, Young Widows
11.11.07 SunDallas, Texas. All Public Trust (the new art prostitute) w/ The Undoing of David Wright ,Church Of The Snake, El Paso Hot Button
11.12.07 MonLubbock, Texas. Jakes Backroom
11.13.07 TueLas Cruces, New Mexico. The Farm w/ Monotonix
11.14.07 WedPhoenix, Arizona. The Modified w/ Monotonix
11.15.07ThuSan Diego, California. The Che Cafe w/ Health + Foot Village
11.16.07 FriLos Angeles, California. The Smell w/ Health + XBXRX + Silver Daggers
11.17.07 SatSan Francisco, California. Bottom of The Hill w/ No Doctors + T.I.T.S + Health
11.18.07 SunOakland, California. 21 Grand w/ Calvin Johnston + XBXRX
11.20.07 TueDavis, California. Delta of Venus w/ XBXRX + The Mayyors
11.21.07 WedEureka, California. The Vista
11.23.07 FriPortland, Oregon. Satyricon w/ Night Wounds, Get Hustle , Meth Teeth
11.24.07 SatVancouver, British Columbia. Emergency Room w/ Mutators + Shearing Pinx + Heartfelt
11.25.07 SunSeattle, Washington. Comet Tavern w/ Pyramids
11.26.07 MonMissoula, Montana. Badlander
11.29.07 ThuSt. Paul, Minnesota. Turf Club w/ Gay Beast
11.30.07 FriEast Moline, Illinois. Mixtapes w/ Eyes
12.01.07 SatChicago, Illinois. Reggies Live w/ Mayor Daley
12.02.07SunDetroit, Michigan. Scrummage University w/Blind Lake + Thee Scarcity of Tanks
.......and we really hope to see you there. Maybe we could even meet some of your hot friends.Free love , you know?
AW family unit
This is what happens when you play music festivals
Your picture gets taken by strangers and put on the internet.
Chart Attack
AIDSWOLF aids wolf AIDS WOLF aidswolf.
Chart Attack
AIDSWOLF aids wolf AIDS WOLF aidswolf.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
In between , if you know what i mean
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Space jamz

AIDS wolf jam space. Where the suffering begins. Photo By Jake Friedman, CEO of Lovepump United.
And here's 2 seconds of us (and Yip Yip and Think About Life and Sunset Rubdown and more) in some Pop Montreal montage.
AIDSWOLF aids wolf AIDS WOLF aidswolf.
Monday, October 8, 2007
dirty boots
Bizarre and busty bootleg .

Read about it here and if you want , buy it here.
PRE & AIDS wolf = BFF. No shirts , no shoes , no fucking blues.

Read about it here and if you want , buy it here.
PRE & AIDS wolf = BFF. No shirts , no shoes , no fucking blues.
Friday, October 5, 2007
A reminder for all in Montreal
Hey friends , please come to our Pop Montreal show!
Saturday October 6th @ Divan Orange (4234 St Laurent)
yip yip
AIDS wolf

Poster by Josh Bastien.
Why should you be there early?
That's why.
Saturday October 6th @ Divan Orange (4234 St Laurent)
yip yip
AIDS wolf

Poster by Josh Bastien.
Why should you be there early?
That's why.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Record Recs from Wolfs
Just because kids ask us at shows all the time, here's a listening list from each of us. Subject to change week by week.
Arab on Radar --- Soak the Saddle
Caetano Veloso --- Araca Azul
Chrome --- Half Machine Lip Moves
Chrome --- Alien Soundtracks
Lake of Dracula --- s/t
Mississippi John Hurt --- Rediscovered / Today
Scott Walker --- The Drift
Silver Apples --- s/t
Suicide --- First Album
Teengenerate --- Smash Hits
Thee Mighty Caesars --- Surely They Were the Sons of God
This Heat --- Deceit
Throbbing Gristle --- First Annual Report
Throbbing Gristle --- 20 Jazz Funk Greats
US Maple --- Long Hair in Three Stages
US Maple --- Talker
Velvet Underground --- White Light / White Heat
Athletic Automaton - 5 Days in Africa (Liquid Death/Hello Pussy)
Albert Marceour - S/T (Atlantic)
Arab on Radar - Yahweh or the Highway , Soak the Saddle (Skingraft)
Black Flag -My War Demos (bootleg)
Brutal Knights- Feast Of Shame (Deranged)
Captain Beefheart - Trout Mask Replica , Lick My Decals Off Baby , Clear Spot , Doc At the Radar Station , Grow Fins (Various)
Cheveux-My Answer is Yes! (Rob's House)
Country Teasers -Satan is Real Again , Destroy All Human Life , Science Hat Artistic , The Empire Strikes Back (Crypt , Fat Possum , In The Red x 2)
Coachwhips - Bangers vs. Fuckers (Narnack)
Der Teenage Panzer Korps -Harmful Emotions (Siltbreeze )
Edmond De Deyster - Selectie )1 (Ultra Eczema)
Emerson Lake & Palmer - Tarkus (Cotillion)
Ex Models - Chrome Panthers (TMU)
Fat Day - My Name Is I Hate You (100% Breakfast)
Fat Worm Of Error - Pregnant Babies Pregnant With Pregnant Babies (Load)
Flying Luttenbachers , The - Destroy All Music (ugEXPLODE)
Godz- 2 , Third Testament (ESP)
Homostupids -The Intern (Parts Unknown)
Intelligence -Icy Baby (In The Red)
Jesus Lizard , The - Liar (Touch & Go)
Lake of Dracula -S/T (Skingraft)
Lil Bunnies -Unabunnie 7" (Wrench Records)
Locust , The - Plague Sounscapes (Anti)
Los Llmarada - The Exploding (S-S Records)
Lydia Lunch -Hysterie (Widowspeak)
Mars- Lp (Important Records)
Night Wounds -Allergic to Heat (Woodsist)
Peppermints , The - Jesus Cryst (Paw Tracks)
Pink & Brown _ Shame Fantasy 11 (Load)
Rebel , The -Prawns (Junior Aspirin)
Screamers - Demos 77-78 (bootleg)
Sick Alps - Pleasures And Treasures (Animal Disguise)
Sightings -Arrived in Gold (Load)
Six Finger Sattellite - Paranormalysed (Subpop)
Sun City Girls - Horse Cock Phephner (Placebo)
Stallions , The - Hey Baby It's The ...(Junk Records)
Usaisamonster- Sunset at the End of the Industrial Age, WOWAH (Load)
US Maple - Sang Phat Editor (Skingraft)
White Savage - S/T (??) 7" (Hozac Records)
Yes - Fragile (Atlantic
Baby Head comp (S-S records)
the lounge lizards- no pain for cakes
need new body s/t
piero umiliani-angeli bianchi...angeli neri
lutys de luz- spain
the unireverse-dude has his own agenda
scientist-scientist wins the world cup
iggy pop-zombie birdhouse
spank rock-yo yo yo
rahsaan roland kirk-blacknuss
herbie hancock-future shock
the velvet underground and nico s/t
jimi hendrix- isle of wight
henry mancini-charade
ennio morricone-duck you sucker
v/a (african high life) love is love
bad brains s/t
albert ayler trio-spiritual unity
mussorgsky-night on the bald mountain
killah priest- catechism
talking heads- the name of this band is talking heads
gang of four-entertainment
orthrelm-asristir vieldriox
gilberto gil-louvacao
delta 5-mind your own business
Captain Beefheart - Lick My Decals Off, Baby
Der Teenage Panzer Corps - S/T
The Functionnal Blackouts - The Severed Tongue Speaks For Everyone
Robin Williams On Fire - Death Bomb Arc Cassette Club track
Various - Batucada Por Favor
Various - Baby Head compilation
Gay Beast - Disrobics
Vampire Can't - Key Cutter
Pussy Galore - Exile On Main St.
Ettrick - Feeders of Ravens
Fast Foward - s/t
Zaka Percussion - s/t
NightWounds - Allergic to Heat
Ex Models - Chrome Panthers
Fat Day - Cats Of The Wild
Mars - The Complete Studio Recordings
Gods - 2
The Peppermints - Jesüs Chryst
Neptune - Mice and Worms
Death Sentence Panda - Festival of Ghosts
Harry Pussy - Live
Konono no.1 - Congotronics
Einheit Brotzmann - Merry Christmas
Albert Marcoeur - s/t
Landed - s/t
Gosslings - s/t
Arab on Radar --- Soak the Saddle
Caetano Veloso --- Araca Azul
Chrome --- Half Machine Lip Moves
Chrome --- Alien Soundtracks
Lake of Dracula --- s/t
Mississippi John Hurt --- Rediscovered / Today
Scott Walker --- The Drift
Silver Apples --- s/t
Suicide --- First Album
Teengenerate --- Smash Hits
Thee Mighty Caesars --- Surely They Were the Sons of God
This Heat --- Deceit
Throbbing Gristle --- First Annual Report
Throbbing Gristle --- 20 Jazz Funk Greats
US Maple --- Long Hair in Three Stages
US Maple --- Talker
Velvet Underground --- White Light / White Heat
Athletic Automaton - 5 Days in Africa (Liquid Death/Hello Pussy)
Albert Marceour - S/T (Atlantic)
Arab on Radar - Yahweh or the Highway , Soak the Saddle (Skingraft)
Black Flag -My War Demos (bootleg)
Brutal Knights- Feast Of Shame (Deranged)
Captain Beefheart - Trout Mask Replica , Lick My Decals Off Baby , Clear Spot , Doc At the Radar Station , Grow Fins (Various)
Cheveux-My Answer is Yes! (Rob's House)
Country Teasers -Satan is Real Again , Destroy All Human Life , Science Hat Artistic , The Empire Strikes Back (Crypt , Fat Possum , In The Red x 2)
Coachwhips - Bangers vs. Fuckers (Narnack)
Der Teenage Panzer Korps -Harmful Emotions (Siltbreeze )
Edmond De Deyster - Selectie )1 (Ultra Eczema)
Emerson Lake & Palmer - Tarkus (Cotillion)
Ex Models - Chrome Panthers (TMU)
Fat Day - My Name Is I Hate You (100% Breakfast)
Fat Worm Of Error - Pregnant Babies Pregnant With Pregnant Babies (Load)
Flying Luttenbachers , The - Destroy All Music (ugEXPLODE)
Godz- 2 , Third Testament (ESP)
Homostupids -The Intern (Parts Unknown)
Intelligence -Icy Baby (In The Red)
Jesus Lizard , The - Liar (Touch & Go)
Lake of Dracula -S/T (Skingraft)
Lil Bunnies -Unabunnie 7" (Wrench Records)
Locust , The - Plague Sounscapes (Anti)
Los Llmarada - The Exploding (S-S Records)
Lydia Lunch -Hysterie (Widowspeak)
Mars- Lp (Important Records)
Night Wounds -Allergic to Heat (Woodsist)
Peppermints , The - Jesus Cryst (Paw Tracks)
Pink & Brown _ Shame Fantasy 11 (Load)
Rebel , The -Prawns (Junior Aspirin)
Screamers - Demos 77-78 (bootleg)
Sick Alps - Pleasures And Treasures (Animal Disguise)
Sightings -Arrived in Gold (Load)
Six Finger Sattellite - Paranormalysed (Subpop)
Sun City Girls - Horse Cock Phephner (Placebo)
Stallions , The - Hey Baby It's The ...(Junk Records)
Usaisamonster- Sunset at the End of the Industrial Age, WOWAH (Load)
US Maple - Sang Phat Editor (Skingraft)
White Savage - S/T (??) 7" (Hozac Records)
Yes - Fragile (Atlantic
Baby Head comp (S-S records)
the lounge lizards- no pain for cakes
need new body s/t
piero umiliani-angeli bianchi...angeli neri
lutys de luz- spain
the unireverse-dude has his own agenda
scientist-scientist wins the world cup
iggy pop-zombie birdhouse
spank rock-yo yo yo
rahsaan roland kirk-blacknuss
herbie hancock-future shock
the velvet underground and nico s/t
jimi hendrix- isle of wight
henry mancini-charade
ennio morricone-duck you sucker
v/a (african high life) love is love
bad brains s/t
albert ayler trio-spiritual unity
mussorgsky-night on the bald mountain
killah priest- catechism
talking heads- the name of this band is talking heads
gang of four-entertainment
orthrelm-asristir vieldriox
gilberto gil-louvacao
delta 5-mind your own business
Captain Beefheart - Lick My Decals Off, Baby
Der Teenage Panzer Corps - S/T
The Functionnal Blackouts - The Severed Tongue Speaks For Everyone
Robin Williams On Fire - Death Bomb Arc Cassette Club track
Various - Batucada Por Favor
Various - Baby Head compilation
Gay Beast - Disrobics
Vampire Can't - Key Cutter
Pussy Galore - Exile On Main St.
Ettrick - Feeders of Ravens
Fast Foward - s/t
Zaka Percussion - s/t
NightWounds - Allergic to Heat
Ex Models - Chrome Panthers
Fat Day - Cats Of The Wild
Mars - The Complete Studio Recordings
Gods - 2
The Peppermints - Jesüs Chryst
Neptune - Mice and Worms
Death Sentence Panda - Festival of Ghosts
Harry Pussy - Live
Konono no.1 - Congotronics
Einheit Brotzmann - Merry Christmas
Albert Marcoeur - s/t
Landed - s/t
Gosslings - s/t
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
AIDS wolf are a fucking cult and will cause you harm + ill will
The 9 Principles of AIDS Wolf
1: Maintain a Daily Ritual. Music is like breathing, eating, walking, sleeping, drinking, pissing, and, with any luck, fucking. One must have something to play, create, and examine everyday; there are simply no vacations. Music must be a physical need and a mental compulsion in each moment of existence.
2: Live Aesthetic Immersion. One’s aesthetic inclinations regarding sound should bleed over into and flow from all artistic disciplines as easily as they do from daily experience. There is no reason a sonic composition cannot be inspired by or contribute to a drawing, a tasty curry, or one’s choice of socks.
3. When in Doubt, Bum Them Out. If you can't convert 'em, make 'em run crying and holding their ears. There is no shame in being a bummer. To elicit a reaction – positive or negative – is a valueless proposition and a noble pursuit in its own right.
4. Get in the Van. This is self-explanatory. Read the book, live the life.
5. Seek Strength Through Strength. Gear's gotta be carried, sleep must be forsaken, and long tours have to be survived, knowing all the while that ideas flow best when one has the stamina to let them out. Through proper consumption of wholesome fresh foods, daily strength training and sports, and copious amounts of fresh air, one can foster personal fortitude and allow room for creativity to flower.
6. Join the Family. AIDS Wolf is a nuclear family, from which flows an ever-expanding extended family network. Artistic collaborations, shared travels, exchanged stories, and general camaraderie with other bands and artists are not only motivating and inspiring but also serve as a vital metrics by which to measure one’s own perceived worth.
7. Allow for Sonic Fields of Nothing. The use of negative space in music and design creates new dynamics, abstracts the obvious, and challenges both the creator and the audience.
8. Lift Anchor and Set Sail. De-anchoring compositions by dispensing with a bass guitar allows AIDS Wolf to make rhythm, often muddled, confused, and obscured with polyrhythmicality, the central feature of its performances. Lacking a “mama heartbeat”, in this way, pushes the band out of predictability and puts atonality on a pedestal.
9. Become the Weird Punks. Remember when punk was weird and when weird was punk? Destroy genre straight jackets and move out of the comfortable. Confrontation with norms and expectations is where the AIDS Wolf family is most at home.
Now that you have studied and committed the 9 Principles of AIDS Wolf to memory, you are ready to carry them into your daily life. Find failure and misery as you are guided by these tenets and bring them with you into the wider world. For more information about AIDS Wolf, visit (it just redirects to here!) or see them on tour in a city near you.
1: Maintain a Daily Ritual. Music is like breathing, eating, walking, sleeping, drinking, pissing, and, with any luck, fucking. One must have something to play, create, and examine everyday; there are simply no vacations. Music must be a physical need and a mental compulsion in each moment of existence.
2: Live Aesthetic Immersion. One’s aesthetic inclinations regarding sound should bleed over into and flow from all artistic disciplines as easily as they do from daily experience. There is no reason a sonic composition cannot be inspired by or contribute to a drawing, a tasty curry, or one’s choice of socks.
3. When in Doubt, Bum Them Out. If you can't convert 'em, make 'em run crying and holding their ears. There is no shame in being a bummer. To elicit a reaction – positive or negative – is a valueless proposition and a noble pursuit in its own right.
4. Get in the Van. This is self-explanatory. Read the book, live the life.
5. Seek Strength Through Strength. Gear's gotta be carried, sleep must be forsaken, and long tours have to be survived, knowing all the while that ideas flow best when one has the stamina to let them out. Through proper consumption of wholesome fresh foods, daily strength training and sports, and copious amounts of fresh air, one can foster personal fortitude and allow room for creativity to flower.
6. Join the Family. AIDS Wolf is a nuclear family, from which flows an ever-expanding extended family network. Artistic collaborations, shared travels, exchanged stories, and general camaraderie with other bands and artists are not only motivating and inspiring but also serve as a vital metrics by which to measure one’s own perceived worth.
7. Allow for Sonic Fields of Nothing. The use of negative space in music and design creates new dynamics, abstracts the obvious, and challenges both the creator and the audience.
8. Lift Anchor and Set Sail. De-anchoring compositions by dispensing with a bass guitar allows AIDS Wolf to make rhythm, often muddled, confused, and obscured with polyrhythmicality, the central feature of its performances. Lacking a “mama heartbeat”, in this way, pushes the band out of predictability and puts atonality on a pedestal.
9. Become the Weird Punks. Remember when punk was weird and when weird was punk? Destroy genre straight jackets and move out of the comfortable. Confrontation with norms and expectations is where the AIDS Wolf family is most at home.
Now that you have studied and committed the 9 Principles of AIDS Wolf to memory, you are ready to carry them into your daily life. Find failure and misery as you are guided by these tenets and bring them with you into the wider world. For more information about AIDS Wolf, visit (it just redirects to here!) or see them on tour in a city near you.
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