Mailorder from Badmaster if you wanna grip one or get one from us at our upcoming Toronto/Ottawa/Montreal gigs. We don't have many copies though so act quick if you want one.
Split 7" with our palz Satanized , on Badmaster. Shouts out to Evan for the best sandwich hookup in Philly.
Yannick and I did the art did the art and screenprinted 'em inside 'n out. 4 colours out , 1 in. The vinyl is the colour of rotting meat.

Front Cover

^Back Cover.

^Insides. (silver ink.)
You can buy it here for 4.50$.

Here's what Badmater says about it w/ collector stats :
BM0021 - Aids Wolf / Satanized Split 7" -- Out Now
Limited to 500 marbled pink 7"es. Two un-released AIDS Wolf tracks & one long Satanized cut, housed in a 5 color silk screened jacket, inside and out, by Seripop.
Wholesalers and distros email badmasterrecords(at)gmail(dot)com for pricing.
Side A. AW- 1. Tango Fatal 2. In And Under The Snow | Side B. STNZD- Hope Is Lack of Information
AIDS Wolf (Montreal) and Satanized (Philadelphia) have joined forces to create a musical document of startling ugliness. The first of two Aids Wolf songs brings to mind a modern Harry Pussy piece or what it might sound like if 3 people with shotgun wounds to the gut were thrown in a pitch black room and left to scamper around looking for an exit that does not exist. (haha, who writes this shit?) The second is classic AIDS Wolf, that could have easily landed on their Cities of Glass LP (**Chloe's note : it actually was recorded during the same session so there ya go!**). The Satanized side sounds like a 24 hour shift at a steel mill turned mental institution that only employs the criminally insane. Lots of blood everywhere on this one. Brutal sonic violence. Satanized produce a truly great recording that captures everything that makes this band so awe-inspiring in a live setting. This 7" will leave you holding your lover a little bit closer at night and questioning the morality of bringing a child into this uncaring world. There are some sounds that you can't unhear... and why would you?
Philadelphia Weekly blogged about it here
This is Book's Music blogged about it here.