1pm untill 6pm
The One Hundred Sided Die
5334 avenue De Gaspé, suite1202
Montreal, QC
We all live far from our studio and don't have the time to go back and forth to sell this stuff. If you wanna call dibs then show up on time w/ cash. Thanks for understanding.
Yes this is the time of the year when you look at your place and want to clear up to allow yourself more breathing space; or I guess this is the response to the infinite quest for emptiness. We looked around the practice space and decided to sever with items that had been waiting for way too long to be played on. We really want to get rid of those items, and they are priced to sell. CASH AND CARRY or reasonable trades. Here is the list.

Cherry Red Epiphone SG 125$
Mid 90's Korean Epiphone SG. Replaced one of the tuning pegs/machine heads. Era specific Corpusse and Neoist stickers behind the saddle. Killer axe. Was my kubelka guitar throughout the glory years. The neck's a bit to big for my new medieval jazz posture but is likely perfect for you. Brian from Mouthus uses the exact same guit. Was recently Belloughed so you know its all slick, tuned and feeling good.

Ibanez PZ47 25$
So you got a new SG knockoff and have been asked to join Chrome? Hold it there player, those dudes aren't letting you anywhere near the jam room w/out some phase to run your shit through. This little guy IS the Chrome pedal. Ibanez might has well just called it The Chrome. Also, used it on a draino recording this last weekend so the nutiness is still fresh within it. Willing to trade for an on/off pedal or some similar thing. Reason for selling: I quite Chrome.

MPC2000: 325$
The most aggressive sampler ever made. Entire hip hop classics were made using only this machine. You've seen pictures of Pete Rock n CL Smooth in the studio and all they have is this guy and some speakers. This is also famously the drums in the live Wolf Eyes rig. Heaviest sounding sampler ever kills me to sell it. The monitor is a bit faded but still fine. Remember this is a computer. Comes with the Zip Drive, Operating System disc, Solena sample set (Bowie's string synth). Plus its got the idividual outs for each sample track...BOOM!

Modified and presently not working Realistic Disco Mixer 5$
If you are into some industrial espionage this the prototype of the Kozzmophone. The channels are hard wired to a cross patch/feedback set up and there's a whole bunch of attenuation controls i built into the thing in order to reign the crazyness in. Long loved part of my Thames rig. Won't turn on but the power supply is likely blown. Never put batteries into it. Cool project for someone. Sounds great through a phase.

Trashed MXR Bluebox.5$
Made no sense asa a guitar pedal makes less sense now after I had a go at it. But seriously put a 9v in it and jack it into a space echo while running your fingers across the solder points on the back of the circuit board and you ARE the electronics dude in Hawkwind.

2 Boss pedals. Both shaky. Both work. 6 each 10 for both...

Ampeg B-25b
Yes. The vintage 1969 piece from the original Ampeg factory in New Jersey. Basically the successor of the Portaflex amp. 60 watts of terror. The speaker cabinet is from a more recent make, but is all original Ampeg stuff. No mods. The two 15 inch speakers are original and in perfect condition. Amazing guitar amp. Great preamp too look at the output jack in the back. Also jack for extra speaker. I plugged it on a SVT cab before and it sounds like 10 times itself. Brigeable channels too. How does it sound? Well check out the bass groove in the beginning of 'Some Sexual Drawings' on The Lovvers LP. There was not even a distortion there. You can totally get that 'JSBX' sound with this guy. A previous owner spraypainted the grill cloth silver. Works just fine, might need a tube replacement and a little clean up/checkup since it almost did not move in 8 years.

Traynor Group One VC
Guitar amp, with this 'parametric eq' which is basically an imbedded fuzz kinda thing. Very good preamp. Great tremolo and reverb unit. 50watts at 4 ohms. Not even touched since I got it. From the late '70s or early '80s, very little got made of those. One or two of the pots may skratch here and there, totally fixable.

Never played this guy since Chris quit AW. Makes you sound like an Aussie. When you play it you grow a front pocket. Hand painted or something.

Hondo 'Custom Special 6000' bass
Gibson explorer knockoff, but way thicker and metal looking. It's 'Custom Special' too. It has 6000 of something as well. God, it's A HONDO BASS!!! Recently ovehauled and cleaned up by yours truly.

Peavey Strat knockoff
Exactly that. Re-stringed funny.

Musima Classical Accoustic 3/4 Guitar
Some german brand of guitar. This is the first instrument I ever had besides a Yamaha recorder! Right handed or left handed, it's your choice. Obtained when there was a music store downtown St-Jean-sur-Richelieu. Buy this and own a piece of history.

Epiphone accoustic-electric (broken headstock)
Hours of fun for a novice luthier. Broken in some drunken stupor at the 100-Sided Die. Otherwise a decent guitar.
$5, maybe free if you are nice.

Electro-Voice Mixer
It works. That's it. Pots and knobs may/will skratch here and there, probably just needs a good clean up, decent board for a jam space.

Random shells
Two 22 inchers or something and a 15 inch tom.
Bass drums: $5 each
Tom: $15

Snare shell
The mechanics work, I just didn't bother replacing the skins. Either a LP percussions or a Westbury, I can't tell the difference, i know you won't either. Ok shape. Maybe you can get the two 14 skins with it.

Random skins
Two 14", a 12", a 20" bass drum, a 18" bass drum.
Used: free. New: $2. Free rubber muffler for the 20".

Random broken cymbals
You think I hit hard? Well this is the proof. Twenty or so random sizes of broken cymbals. Mostly hi-hats and rides, also some crashes too.
$1 each, leave with the whole shebang for $5.

Small baby kit floor tom
Cute. Missing one log screw, i know you can find that at a music store. Broken butt skin, the other one works.

Random drum hardware
$2 a piece and less.