Being back from tour is always rough , you never really know what to do with yourself and coping with the readjustment is usually kinda depressing. You no longer have the constant adrenaline of performing or the novelty of being around different people each day. Being back from tour while being stuck at home with a broken bone is the worst. outdoors is nothing but snow and ice and the 10 minute walk to the metro feels like a death march on crutches.
Despite that , I'm practically bouncing off the walls (and not just from the Vicodin) because our song Opposing Walls is being used in the new Bruce LaBruce film ,Otto: Or, Up With Dead People . If you aren't familiar with Bruce's work I really urge you to check out his site. He's BY FAR the most subversive filmmaker in Canada and melds black comedy with exploitation with explicit gay sex.
I first saw No Skin Off My Ass when i was a pretentious teen living in Ottawa and trying to be a performance artist. His work really inspired me and my whole troupe to get MUCH , MUCH more extreme (nudity , chainsaws , smashing things , smashing each other). He also had a column in Exclaim! magazine for a long time that was basically just his diary of sex , drugs , art , being flown around the world and hanging out with celebs and porn stars. It was some of the most exciting shit I ever read and I remember being in my early 20's , wishing to some day have a life as cool as BLaB.
Well , Exclaim! axed him in favor of more milquetoast can-con indie slop (cause reading about Emily Haines is soooo much more interesting - yeah fuckin' right! I swear most Canadians are allergic to excitement.) . Bruce's life is still probably 20000x more exciting than mine but having one of our tracks in a GAY ZOMBIE PORNO is EASILY one of the best things that's ever happened to AIDS wolf. Or to me for that matter.
Photos of our 2 Brooklyn shows by Todd Fisher . We saw the set he did of our show at Death By Audio and loved em so much we begged him to spend more time with us on Halloween. We're pretty pleased with the end result.

Speaking of zombies..

Silen Barn show :

Myles' uniform was missing so we made him play in his underwear.. Latter it was Found in germaine's (From Old Time Relijun) drum kit. Hmmmmmmmm

This kid Matt just took off his mask and leaned in and kissed me in the middle of a song.

A studio shot in the basement before the show.
Sorry to hear about that staircase accident. But having seen you perform now, I'm surprised you didn't break every bone in your body before the midpoint of the tour! People are still buzzing about what a great show that was.
thanks man. I feel so lame to my broke my foot falling down some stairs before our soundcheck when pretty much every night i ws wrestling , climbing , punching and biting the crowd.
at least if i had broke it mid-set we'd have an interesting story out of it!
glad to hear the reaction in Davis was good , we had a really great time and i loooooved the first band.
California was kinda overwhelming for us, i had no idea people knew who we were and was surprised on how good looking and friendly folks were.
thanks a bunch for taking such great care of us. It was great to finally meet you and put a face to the voice.
Aw man, you guys having a track in a Bruce LaBruce movie is basically the coolest and somehow most appropriate thing ever. The Revolution is my boyfriend!
Do you have any local shows planned for the new year? I'm thinking about visiting Montreal in maybe February or March, and if you guys were playing I'd totally plan my trip around that. I'd love to see you guys with perhaps a less-reserved crowd than sometimes is the reality in Halifax.
Much love, and I hope your foot heals up better than ever.
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